The Power of Youth on GearBest: Is This The Biggest Summer Sale of 2019?
Did you miss the big sales? It’s been a while since we wrote about the new sales on GearBest. However, one of the biggest summer sales of 2019 is about to begin. It’s called The Power of Youth, and it starts on August 5th.
The page of Power of Youth sale is already published on GearBest online store, so we can see its main activities. I want to say right away that there will be 50% OFF Deals Daily, Coupons, and New Arrivals. Let’s talk about each of them separately.
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50% OFF Daily
The first activity, and perhaps the most important one during Power of Youth Sale 2019 on GearBest is 50% OFF Daily. As you understand, there will be deals with 50% OFF Discount.
However, there are already products here, and not all of them have 50% discount. Some of them have even more than 50% OFF, for example, Alfawise S420, while another have less, such as Lenovo HS10. Anyway, the discounts are very good, and they deserve your attention.
COOL Coupon
The next activity is Cool Coupon. I know that you like coupons, because we have a special page with the latest deals and coupons on GearBest, and it is really popular. Coupon is a good way to save money. For example, OnePlus 7 costs $489.99, but using the coupon code, you can get it for only $455. It’s a good deal, isn’t it?
Flash Sale
Of course, Power of Youth Sale 2019 on GearBest will have flash deals. You don’t need to use coupons or hurry up to buy in 24 hours. You will have time while the sale is going on to think carefully, choose the product and buy it.
Interestingly, all products are categorized, so you won’t need to look for a laptop, smartphone or other device for a long time.
Epic Markdowns
Epic Markdowns are devices that are very popular, for example, Amazfit GRT, Amazfit BIP and Verge, Redmi Note 7, Redmi Airdots, Lenovo Z6 Pro and many others.
I am sure you know about all this stuff, and you probably wanted to buy some of it a long time ago. Power of Youth Sale 2019 is the best time for that!
New Arrivals
Finally, GearBest Power of Youth Sale 2019 has new arrivals section. As you understand from the title, there are only new products, such as Amazfit GRT, Mi Band 4, etc. Of course, they are also sold at a reduced price.
As you can see, Power of Youth Sale 2019 on GearBest is a good chance to buy the new product you’ve been wanting for a long time. Just remember the dates – August 5 – August 11.
7 days for you to think, look for and buy what you want!
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