20.09.2015 6:39

Apple Watch saved the lives of American teenagers

Heartbeat Sensor in smart watches Apple Watch maintains optimum load intensity during training, and the recent history in the US state of Massachusetts has shown that heart rate measurement function can help prevent serious health problems.

17-year-old Paul Hole (Paul Houle) Apple Watch has acquired just before the start of preparations for the new season. On the first day after the two trainings on the Tabor Academy student he noticed that his heart rate drops below 145 beats per minute, even after a few hours of rest. According to him, in the second session he had trouble breathing and felt the pain in his back, which happened in one of the later symptoms of kidney function.

At the evening team meeting young athlete spoke about the problem the coach, who suspected Apple Watch in incorrect results and independently measure the pulse. The resulting value is still higher than normal for a student of 60-70 beats per minute, and caused by the nurse also reported high blood pressure. Later, he came to the school football player’s father took his son to the hospital.

Doctors diagnosed the boy syndrome of rhabdomyolysis, in which as a result of destruction of muscle protein compounds enter the blood. It causes acute renal failure, disturbances in the heart rhythm and breathing. But the main causes of the disease began to physical stress and dehydration.

According to hospital staff, without medical care Sex Hole could die right on the field as early as next workout. Sam footballer immensely grateful to Apple Watch and Heart Rate Monitor in particular, because it became the key to the salvation of the untimely death.