13.05.2019 9:21

When Will Xiaomi Smartphones Update To Android 10 Q?

On April 7, 2019, Google held a Google I/O Developer Conference, where the company introduced a new version of Android Q mobile operating system. Among the new functions of Android 10 Q are night theme, improved security, data privacy, gestures and parental control.

Also, Android 10 Q supports a very interesting technology called “Live Caption”. The manufacturer says that technology recognizes speech in any video and audio. New feature is very useful for hearing impaired or deaf people.

Android 10 Q version is already launched in Beta, and we expect the final released in the fall of 2019.

Which Xiaomi smartphones will get Android 10 Q?

List of Xiaomi Smartphones That Will Get Android 10 Q Beta

The new version of Android is already available for 21 smartphones from 13 different manufacturers. We are interested in mobile devices from Xiaomi. Two smartphones from a popular Chinese manufacturer have received updates to Android Q Beta: Xiaomi Mi Mix 3 5G and Xiaomi Mi 9.

Which Xiaomi smartphones will get Android 10 Q?

Thanks to the close collaboration between Xiaomi and Google, the Chinese company was able to add its two flagship smartphones to the beta testing program Android 10 Q. Some new improvements and features are already included in MIUI user interface, for example, dark theme.

New Android Q Beta Functions

Which Xiaomi smartphones will get Android 10 Q?

Among other updates, which received a new version of Android 10 Q, we should say about an improved system security, thanks to new permissions to access data and native support for face recognition. Also, Android Q received a security option when connected to Wi-Fi with WPA3 support.

Do not forget that we are talking about the beta version of Android 10 Q, which is in the early stages of testing. At the moment, we do not expect from new version of Android a flawless work, because it has some serious failures.

If you are ready for problems, errors or failures, then you can use tutorial below how to install Android 10 Q on Xiaomi Mi Mix 3 5G or Xiaomi Mi 9.

How to Install Android 10 Q Beta on Xiaomi Smartphone?

Which Xiaomi smartphones will get Android 10 Q?

  1. Before you start installing a new version of Android Q on your Xiaomi smartphone, you need to back up data on mobile device.
  2. After that, download Android Q update for Xiaomi Mi Mix 3 5G or Xiaomi Mi 9.
  3. Install the update on your smartphone using fastboot method.

As we already said, this is a beta version of Android 10 Q, so you may have problems with the software on your Xiaomi smartphone. You may have the following issues after installing Android Q Beta.

Which Xiaomi smartphones will get Android 10 Q?

Xiaomi Mi 9:

  1. The alarm does not ring when the smartphone is turned off.
  2. The smartphone restarts when the user selects a wireless projector in “Wireless display” settings.
  3. The “Settings” menu does not work when the user turns off silent mode.
  4. The “Settings” menu does not work when the user selects “Gestures”.
  5. The application “File” stops working after the update.
  6. It is impossible to change the color of the screen in the “Settings” menu.
  7. Unable to add fingerprint scanner.

Which Xiaomi smartphones will get Android 10 Q?

Xiaomi Mi Mix 3 5G:

  1. The alarm does not ring when the smartphone is turned off.
  2. The smartphone restarts when the user selects a wireless projector in “Wireless display” settings.
  3. The “Settings” menu does not work when the user selects “Gestures”.
  4. The application “File” stops working after the update.
  5. Unable to change color in Settings.
  6. The Settings menu does not work when the Automatic Brightness feature is on.

Below we added the video with demonstration of new functions and Android 10 Q Beta interface on Xiaomi Mi 9.