18.04.2016 9:26

Android N will support analog 3D Touch and virtual reality

Released last week, the second assembly Android N Developer Preview has brought with it not only the API Vulkan support shortcuts launcher and more humane emoticons Emoji Unicode 9, but also the possibility of sending the registration application as a “VR Listener” or “VR Helper”.
In the operating system settings, it warns that “[application name] will be able to start when you are using the application in virtual reality mode”. And it says that in the next Google’s operating system can be implemented full support for the increasingly popular virtual reality.

Currently, Google disposal there is only one device of virtual reality – VR-helmet inexpensive Google Cardboard. However, the network has long been rumored about Goolge interest in this segment of the market. And now the company is working on a new VR-helmet in Gear VR style of fully autonomous VR-helmet with its own electronics and screen.

In addition, it is reported on the possibility of the appearance in Android N Developer Preview analog 3D Touch technology, which will open a menu with additional actions by strong pressing on the application icon. This technology will help manufacturers to produce smartphones with recognizing the force pressing the screen, not worrying too much about the software implementation of this function. This significantly increase the presence of such devices on the market. For now, manufacturers have to develop their own All soft stuffing technology and are capable of not all companies in the market.

However, sources say only on the withdrawal of additional menus that can appear in other actions (eg, finger downward movement). Therefore, the very mention of such a method of displaying information does not necessarily indicate support 3D Touch technology analogue.